holiday campaigns

6 Mother’s Day Marketing Strategies to Boost Foot Traffic

 6 Mother’s Day Marketing Strategies to Boost Foot Traffic

Mother’s Day is one of THE MOST celebrated holidays on earth. In this post, we put together a list of six Mother’s Day marketing strategies to help brick-and-mortar retailers boost in-store foot traffic.

How to Improve the ROI of Your Holiday Influencer Marketing

How to Improve the ROI of Your Holiday Influencer Marketing

Measuring the ROI of an influencer campaign has always been tough for brands. In this post we lay out 5 ways you can improve the ROI of your holiday influencer marketing campaign.

Thanksgiving, Black Friday & Shop Small Campaigns

Thanksgiving, Black Friday & Shop Small Campaigns

If you’re looking for an A-1 opportunity to put your product in front of people who have money to spend, Thanksgiving weekend is that time. Here are some cool examples of influencer campaigns big brands used to raise awareness and get sales over the Thanksgiving weekend.