The Periodic Table of Influencer Marketing

The influencer marketing industry has grown exponentially in the last few years, and according to Business Insider, it is expected to be a $15 billion industry by 2022.

That’s a big number.

Which is why we decided to create The Periodic Table of Influencer Marketing. 

Cute, but why? Hear me out on this one: We’re almost a decade into the Instagram influencer phenomenon and I would venture a bet that most marketers still have no idea how to run an influencer campaign from start to finish, which explains why there are thousands of agencies out there that specialize in building influencer campaigns.

We created this graphic, yes for Periodic Table Day (Feb 7th of every year), but also because the seven different sections of this particular infographic can help you nail your influencer campaign, from Tweets to Data.

The Blue Section - Influencer Marketing: Packed with jargon, buzzwords and trending terms. This is just the lingo - words you need to know if you’re thinking about running an influencer campaign.

The Yellow Section - Tools: These are the tools of the trade. Of course, we know we need social media platforms. But you also need content schedulers, image and video editing software, platforms like Lumanu for boosting content, Google Adwords for your retargeting efforts, and of course, The Shelf platform for managing your influencer marketing campaign from start to finish.

The Orange Section - Tactics and Strategies: Some tactics make a bigger impact than others, but tactics and strategies are the methods by which you’ll achieve your campaign outcomes. These can include contests, follower growth, greater reach, and hyper-targeting to reach certain buyer segments.

The Pink Section - Platforms: Instagram is, by far, the most popular platform for influencer marketing platform, getting about 69 percent of the spend), but there are other platforms where your social media dollars would also be well-spent. I’m talking about podcasts, Triller, Amazon (Live), TikTok, YouTube. Each of these platforms offer certain benefits that will be tough to replicate on Instagram.

The Dark Blue Section - Campaign Goals: Your campaign goals determine almost everything about your actual influencer campaign, including the tools you use, which influencers you choose for partners, and the tactics and strategies you use to achieve the goals. Can’t have a talk about influencer marketing without putting the spotlight on campaign goals, man. You just can’t.

The Green Section - Influencer Types: Once you know your goals, you pretty much know what type of influencer you need to accomplish your goal. Different size influencers can offer different campaign benefits. There are some outcomes larger influencers are better-suited to deliver, while other goals would work better with the participation of micro- and nano-influencers.

The Purple Section - Campaign Elements: Our final section deal with the most important aspect of any influencer campaigns. These are the things no campaign should go live without, the elements that are absolutely necessary for a successful influencer campaign.

Courtesy of: The Shelf

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Happy Periodic Table Day! 🎈🎈You’re welcome!