August 2021 Hashtag Calendar + Marketing Ideas

August is here and we’ve put together a hashtag calendar with an ample sprinkling of marketing ideas to help your team transition your audience into fall holiday mood.

August 2021 pinterest pins.png

If you’re a K-12 family who hasn’t yet hit up the stores (physical or virtual) for back-to-school stuff, you’re in the minority at this point, as 59 percent of back-to-school spending happens by the end of July. But from August and mid-September, shoppers will be looking for ways to spend the remaining $44 billion.

Which means…

In addition to laying the foundation for your Halloween campaigns, you have the opportunity to woo customers as they’re actively shopping over the next six weeks for back-to-school and back-to-college items.

It’s Time for Those Fall and Winter Campaigns

One way to help your social media audience make the mental switch from summer fun to fall and winter holiday mood is to run a UGC campaign. The goal of this kind of campaign is to accumulate user-generated content (or UGC) that you can reuse across your own social media channels by getting a few paid influencers to kickstart the content creation process with a contest or a giveaway. A UGC campaign is a relatively low-effort way to start generating

If you’ve ever seen the Instagram feeds of brands like Gymshark, Aerie, or Starbucks, you’ll probably notice that much of the content in their feeds - as well as the posts in which the brands are tagged - are from customers who are compelled for one reason or another to showcase the brand in their own Instagram feeds.

August Hashtag Holidays Worth Noting

The arrival of August brings with it some pretty interesting hashtag holidays that are perfect for your social media content marketing, including:

  • Family Fun Month

  • American Adventures Month

  • International Clown Week

  • Elvis Week

  • World Cat Day

  • National Dog Day

  • Work Like a Dog Day, and

  • Bad Poetry Day

Take a look at the August calendar below and feel free to embed it on your website using the embed code under the calendar.

Courtesy of: The Shelf