What Happened?
This week, Slack announced it’s currently prototyping Video Stories, which are micro videos within the Slack platform that can be used for a number of different things (like bottom-lining ideas so everyone doesn’t get dragged into an unscheduled 11:49 Thursday morning meeting). And yes, this is along the lines of Instagram Stories.
This is one of several features expected to roll out on Slack by early 2021.
We’ve all imagined what the future would be like. Flying cars, taking family vacations to Mars, and no meetings on Monday.
Seriously. Close your eyes and imagine the world’s first meetingless Monday. Rather than being bombarded with religiously-scheduled conferences which… let’s face it- could probably be a quick email. What if when you log in, all of the would-be meeting’s key points are summarized via a pre-recorded short-form video?🤯
Although they partnered with Amazon earlier this year trying out Chime for voice and video calling, video conferencing isn't something we associate with the brand Slack. The company is working very hard to change that. Specific details are still being finalized, but the stories should appear adjacent to channels and will likely be used as a way to communicate project progression.
According to Facebook, Stories are outpacing feed content by 1500%. So, yeah. Literally 15X better.
Users love the feature. Over 500M daily users of IG’s stories feature.
People are used to posting and checking stories frequently. On average 2.3 stories are posted per user per week.
Stories will hold attention better than meetings. Stories are naturally progressive having a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Holding attention better translates to better information retention. Simply put, your team will drop the ball less. A lot less.
Also on the horizon are Anytime Audio, which allows users to leave short audio messages, and Slack Connect, which allows users to message other companies also using Slack. Slack hasn't announced an official launch date, but the beta version of these features will be available at the end of 2020.
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