20 New York Style Bloggers To Work With Now

Are you trying to nail down collaborations with New York style bloggers? If so, you’ll want to find the ones that really target your niche demographic. The “magic middle” refers to bloggers and publishers that write about topics within a very specific niche, and some of these mid-size size bloggers can be the best at reaching your demographic and actually converting their readers into your customers.

What’s more, they’re also phenomenal at nurturing their audiences. Readers actually trust them far more than they do the insanely popular style bloggers that don’t have the time to interact with their readers. Some might even say that the smaller the community, the bigger the influence. Niche bloggers often have far better engagement with their readers, proving that vanity metrics (like follower counts) should really just be kicked to the curb.

New York City is filled to the brim with those “magic middle” style bloggers and they carry powerful influence for numerous industries. From fashion and beauty to food and health (and everything in between), these bloggers have the ability to reach your demographic on a laser-focused level. Ahead, we are spilling the beans on 20 diverse New York style bloggers you should secure collaborations with NOW. While most of them have already made their mark on the New York style blogging scene, other faces will be newer to you, so take the time to get to know these fresh faces!

New York Style Bloggers: Ones To Watch


De Lune Blog / Claire Person

This converted redhead has quirk, eclecticism, and personality in spades and we aren’t complaining. If your not so average everyday girl is what you’re after, Claire is your girl. And while she doesn’t have a handy sidekick to snap her photos, she does it all with the help of a tripod, further proving her talent and ability to shoot things exactly as she envisions them.


The Fashion Philosophy / Erica Lavelanet

This born and raised New Yorker really nails the whole ‘it girl’ vibe with her edgy and bohemian take on style. When she’s not blogging, she spends her time as a Wardrobe Stylist, saving the world one sheer layer and leather pant at a time.


The Spicy Stiletto / Serena Goh

California born and raised, now living in New York City, Serena is a photography enthusiast, shoe hoarder, prolific home cook, food explorer, bad dancer, and creative type. Blending her west coast roots with her new east coast stomping ground, her blog offers a unique take on both fashion and good food straight from her kitchen.



Covered in our roundup of Top Minimalist Bloggers to Follow, F I G T N Y pretty much nails it when it comes to impeccably minimalist style. In fact, if your brand embraces the whole minimalist aesthetic, this New York-based style blogger is the one to solidify a partnership with now.


Flashes of Style / Bonnie Barton

In case you didn’t notice from Bonnie’s blog, vintage clothing is kind of her thing (including, but not limited to floral and gingham prints and feminine details). Her quirky personality and ability to find beauty in the little things make her a great blogger to represent your brand.


Penny Pincher Fashion / Kimberly Smith

Perhaps one of the chicest stay-at-home mom’s we’ve encountered, Kimberly is dedicated to providing her readers with the best fashion and beauty buys that look expensive but never break the bank. She reuses old pieces to make them look new again, proving to her readers that fashion really can be accessible to all. (On a sidenote, our founders are particularly fond of Kimberly because she was actually the first blogger to work with them when they were just getting their company off the ground... full story here.)


My Style Pill / Christine Cameron

Combining her flare for personal styling with her blog as a creative outlet, Christine brings a sharp eye to the table. She has a knack for layering outfits in unexpected ways and always keeping her readers engaged from one outfit post to the next.


The Corporate Catwalk / Olivia

A Midwest girl at heart, this New York transplant shares a different take on fashion by bringing the catwalk to the corporate world. She provides her readers with tips and tricks on how to dress for work without losing their identity in a boring black suit, and ultimately, how to look fashionable in the workplace. If 9-5 is a big part of your brand, Olivia is your girl.


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Mind Body Swag / Lisa DiCicco Cahue

A perfect example of fashion bloggers expanding into lifestyle topics, Lisa shares her personal style, travels, and the journey of her life through her blog. As a seasoned fit model, she also explores topics on wellness, beauty, fitness, and other lifestyle-related topics. Whether you’re selling clothing or wellness products (or anything in between), Lisa has the ability to reach a diverse audience.


Retro Flame / Erika Fox

Erika of Retro Flame enraptures us with her red hair, classic and edgy outfits, and inspiring quotes throughout her outfit posts. An Irish girl living in New York City, Erika has worked with the likes of Whitney Port, Refinery29, and most recently with Olivia Palermo. While her blog documents her outfits, travel, work, and inspiration, she keeps it real through the dialogue in her blog posts and her readers love her for it.


Art In Our Blood / Jennifer Wang

Jennifer describes her blog as “fashion with a fairytale touch” and we couldn’t agree more. Her outfits are elegant but never go without a little (or lot of) quirk. Inspired by Sherlock Holmes, Jennifer believes we all have a little art in our blood and that we should all embrace these eccentricities. She certainly does so through her blog and her many readers admire her for it.


Where Did You Get That / Karen

Where Did You Get That (WDUGT) is a unique blog because it’s a mix of personal style and street style. The blogger behind WDUGT, Karen, is both behind and in front of the camera. Whether she’s documenting where she got something or where someone else got something, her blog is a constant inspiration of where to find the hidden shopping gems in New York.


Blonde Expeditions / Kaitlin Keegan

Kaitlin is just that quintessential summer girl who has a knack for putting together outfits that are laidback yet totally feminine. She’s also the girl to work with if you want to push sales out of your online carts fast because she looks impeccable in everything she styles. Her readers definitely follow her for daily outfit inspiration and ideas on what to buy next.


NYC Pretty / Christine Bibbo Herr

If you’re looking for an upbeat style blogger with a knack for fitness and health-related content, Christine is the one to work with. She covers everything from fashion and beauty to fitness and health, and does it all with a wide grin on her face. She serves as an inspirational ambassador for any brand and has a styling, writing and speaking background to bring it all full circle.


The Closet Crush / Alina

Generally embracing a more feminine, relaxed, and bohemian style of dressing, Alina has constant outfit inspiration to share with her readers. She offers them easy tips on how to style her favorite outfits of the moment, and since she does it all in a very relatable way, she’s definitely a great blogger to partner up with.


Kayleigh’s Kloset / Kayleigh Adam

Kayleigh is a twenty-something with big dreams and an even bigger closet. Feminine to a fault, she embraces all things colorful and flirty. She strives to make her life as glamorous as possible, and shares that perspective with her readers one girly outfit at a time.


Levitate Style / Leo Chan

While men often feel massively underrepresented in the personal style blogging scene, the ones that do give it a go do it tremendously well. Take Leo Chan, for example: combining his passion for fashion, photography, and modeling, he gives his readers a peek into his personal style, from menswear and street style, to his travels around the world. His photographer, Alicia Mara plays a pivotal role as she captures the most stunning photographs of Leo in action.


Fashion Bananas / Delmy Rivera

Not unlike most personal style bloggers, we’re all bananas about fashion. But what sets Delmy apart from most bloggers is that she isn’t afraid of the raw talk or revealing the intimate details of her life to her readers. We especially dig her style because it’s more edgy and ‘bananas’ so to speak.


Look Rich, Shop Cheap. / Denny Balmaceda

Denny of Look Rich, Shop Cheap is no newbie to the style blogging game. Hailing from New York, he’s been hitting our feeds with #OOTD’s well before that term even became a thing. He believes style is entirely independent of fashion, with its ability to tell stories, and that he does through his personal style blog.


CORALS + cognacs // Hallie Wilson

This Midwest native and New York City transplant describes her style as attainable, trendy, and fun. Through her blog she aims to inspire others to have fun with fashion and live lightheartedly.


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